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Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition review
by Marki3810

An excellent start to the Arkham series. The combat is extremely fun but is noticeably more clunky when compared to later games in the Arkham series in addition to being one of the easiest. I really enjoyed the story and all of the encounter's with the various villains. Sadly, I suffered numerous technical issues during my playtime. I experienced multiple crashes and the framerate took a huge nose dive during one section but it is mostly stable in every other part of the game. The worst problem I encountered was having to reinstall drivers to get the game to go past the launcher. Despite my technical issues, Arkham Asylum is an excellent game that got me hooked on the rest of the series.

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Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition (PC) - Finished on May 19, 2019.
Its a great game made better.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game: A good Batman action adventure with Stealth inserts the way you're used to Batman. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Single Player: You play Batman who brings the Joker back to Arkham Asylum. The Joker, of course, has a Plan and breaks off an Uprising to take over all of Arkham. Now you have to look for all the Main Criminals and get back in, you will always be told where to find them. In Search of them you have to solve some smaller Puzzles and take with you some secrets that are spread all over the place on Arkham. The Riddler always has a few Puzzles in Stock, but they don't necessarily have to be done. There is then the Detective Mode that shows a Hidden Place and Opponents through the Walls. (Unfortunately, at some point you use it all the time, which makes everything a bit more boring.) The Fights are kept relatively simple, but are often demanding for many Opponents and sometimes varied. Unfortunately, the Bosses are never directly involved in fighting and you only have to survive a Certain Number of waves to defeat the Boss. For everything Batman finds or defeats, he gets experience points that you get a Point after each Level Upgrade that you can then use on, for example, Armor or Binong to improve it. Then there is a Challenge mode where you have to watch waves of Enemies to collect Points. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graphic: The Graphics really good, even for 2017 Ratios. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Music: The Music always very fitting and Batman typically laid out------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------Control: The Control is Super With the XBOX360 Gamepad. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pro/Contra: + Beautiful Story + Super Old Batman Feeling + Super Control + Good Graphic + Beautiful Videos Sequences + Super German Synchro-Too Many Secrets- Boss battles too boring-Detective Mode too often usable--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conclusion: A really good Game if you like Batman. Actually, I don't like Stealth Gams, but with Batman, it's really a good Mix of action adventure and Stealth so you can play it really well. I especially liked the Gameplay and the Story, you filled up just like in a Movie again. Everything that is so Batman Typical is actually here, from all The Schnick Schnack that he always has like that and that he never kills anyone. Only the somewhat boring Boss fights and the too often usable Detective Mode bothered me a bit, because at the End I was almost only in this Mode so as not to miss Secrets. So Whoever is Batman Fan and it should be back in the Bundle or on offer for 75% will certainly do nothing wrong. It took me about 13 Hours for the Main Mission, but if you still want to take all The Secrets with you and play The Challenge mode will certainly come to about 15 Hours. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summarized: Single Players: 9/10 Graphic: 9/10 Music: 8/10 Control: 10/10------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------Game: 9/10