BioShock 2 reviews

BioShock 2 (PC) - Finished on August 19, 2020.
not as good as the original imo
wow bioshock 2 really shocked my digestive tract 9/10
«Blew my mind»
The worst of the three, and still quite good.
«Can’t stop playing»
«That ending!»
A worthy successor to the original. While the story might not be for everyone (it is amazing!) the gameplay is undeniably more refined. Besides, any excuse to go back to Rapture one more time is more than worth it.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I played the first Bioshock (as well as many others here) and was thrilled with the depth and the ingenious atmosphere of the game. The second part I also found very nice and entertaining, but not as captivating as the first part. As mentioned in the title, I find it a good expansion for the first part, nothing more. For the fans of Bioshock but a must! P.S .: If I played the first part, really two times, because one could act there "good" and "evil". So I did not feel like going through this version again in order to finally be able to watch another end video. Perhaps because the two versions are technically and slightly different from the game options, and thus invite you to simply run through the levels, just to reach the big end. Because everything else has already been seen somewhere (mostly in the first part).
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Microsoft from French
bioshock2 following the first big bioshock of the name happening 10 years after the events of the first se bioshock2 is a real scnaristics suite with a gameplay improve we find what made the strength of the 1st but with a lot of improvements the atmosphere still excellent bioshock2 can be a very good experience despite its short-lived faults, bugs of all kinds, no assertions in the scnrio, choice of weapons that resemble those of the first, but it will not spoil the pleasure of playing with the qualities it has . For the multiplayer I installed GameRanger but I see that there is no one I do not know if it is a bug or no one go but in any case I do not see the server bioshock2 pity if someone wanted to know how it works should not put LAN parts unless you want to bet between you but they have to disable GameRanger strange.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I had already played through the title on the Xbox360 and at the special price I thought BioShock on the go on the MacBook would be nice. The game itself is great and only to be recommended, what exactly is going on can be read in reviews. A solid shooter with easy role-playing elements, a very dense atmosphere and great sound design. Now to technical side. I was skeptical as to whether the game was going to slow down on my MBP 13 "Early 2012 (Core i5, HD3000, 8GB RAM), and in fact I have to say that the device does not come off easily, I appreciate the frames / second times to 25-30, with occasional lags and slightly longer texture loading times, despite large-sized memory.As with all other games also turns the fan on full pot and the CPU heats up to 90 degrees (CPU and GPU sit yes, since the Core-i are pretty close to each other.) This is a bit of a hassle but if you are not put off by it or if you have a much stronger Mac you should not have any problems here.
get the remastered version